Alles neu macht der Mai

May has arrived and the days are getting warmer and longer. Summer is on its way and it’s time to tidy up spring plants, plant summer flowers and get planning for autumn.
Here are some tips from the RHS (The Royal Horticultural Society) on what to do in your garden this month:


  1. Watch out for late frosts. Protect tender plants
  2. Plant out summer bedding at the end of the month (except in cold areas)
  3. Water early and late to get the most out of your water, recycle water when possible
  4. Regularly hoe off weeds
  5. Open greenhouse vents and doors on warm days
  6. Mow lawns weekly
  7. Check for nesting birds before clipping hedges
  8. Lift and divide overcrowded clumps of daffodils and other spring-flowering bulbs
  9. Watch out for beetles and grubs


to protect – schützen
tender – zart
bedding – Beet
to hoe – hacken
weeds – Unkraut
vent – Entlüftung
to mow – mähen
lawn – Rasen
to clip – stutzen
hedges – Hecken
clumps – Klumpen
daffodils – Narzissen
bulbs – Blumenzwiebeln
grubs – Larven