As an additional service, we can administer our written ROSE College Test for customers interested in assessing their language skills in the German or English language at the end of the training. The test is oriented to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
ROSE College’s German examinations were developed by ROSE language experts according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. They assess each participant’s level of language competency in the following four areas:
You can take these examinations at any language level from A1 to C2. The length of the examination varies based on language level from 120 minutes to 240 minutes. The examinations can be administered here at ROSE College or in your business. Please contact us to set up individual examination appointments.
- Internal ROSE College students pay a service fee
- External students not taking part in a ROSE College training pay for the test administrator’s time plus an examination fee
ROSE College’s career-oriented English examinations were developed by ROSE language experts to assess each participant’s level of language competency in the following three areas:
You can take these examinations at any language level from A1 to C1 and in the intervening levels A1+ to C1+. The length of the examination varies based on language level from 60 and 90 minutes. The examinations can be administered here at ROSE College or in your business. Please contact us to set up individual examination appointments.
- Internal ROSE College students pay a service fee
- External students not taking part in a ROSE College training pay for the test administrator’s time plus an examination fee