ONLINE Training

flexible – interactive – tailor made 

ROSE College offers the perfect solution for “mobile customers”  – the ONLINE-Live-Training.
Communicate with your trainer live and from anywhere in the world.


  • Training accessible from anywhere
  • Tailor made lessons and  individual support
  • Training is carried out by specially qualified ROSE trainers
  • Also ideal for employees working at different sites

Benefit Concert Sponsor

ROSE College’s employees have been enthusiastic patrons of the Aschaffenburg benefit concert for years and now we would like to turn this enthusiasm into active support. ROSE College is proud to be an official sponsor of the “Rainbow Station” at the university clinic in Wuerzburg. This musical highlight in Aschaffenburg has become a fixed part of the region’s cultural calendar, allowing people both healthy and sick to blossom in the language of music.    

Recent Customer Feedback

Herr K. F. aus einem internationalen Automobilzulieferbetrieb schreibt uns zu seinem aktuellen Englischtraining kurz und prägnant: ‚Sehr gute Vermittlung relevanten Wissens/Könnens, um die eigenen Fehler abzustellen und die täglichen Aufgabenstellungen bewältigen zu können‘.

Recent Customer Feedback

“Die Trainerin ist immer auf unsere individuellen Wünsche und Anregungen eingegangen” 

Frau J.S., die Teilnehmerin eines Englischtrainings in einem Betrieb für Elektroartikel schreibt uns aktuell:

Die Trainerin ist immer auf unsere individuellen Wünsche und Anregungen eingegangen und wir hätten gerne noch weiter gelernt.

Turning air pollution into art

Starting from Tautra a coastal location near Trondheim in Norway where the air is clean, the visitor passes through five interconnecting domes which contain typical smells from world metropolises: London, Sao Paulo, Beijing, New Delhi. As the visitor moves from pod to pod the air gets increasingly more polluted.

With this artwork the artist wants to raise awareness about air pollution.


According to the World Health Organization, every year around 7 million premature deaths are caused by air pollution, with 9 out of 10 people breathing toxic air. Air pollution is also known to contribute to climate change and has a direct impact on our health. In cities like London, one in five children suffers from asthma, while in developing countries like India more than half of the children have atrophied lungs and will never fully recover.



pollution – Verschmutzung

coastal – küstennah

interconnecting – miteinander verbindend

dome – Kuppel

pod – Gehäuse

increasingly – zunehmend

raise awareness – Bewusstsein fördern

according – gemäß

premature deaths – vorzeitiger Tod

impact – Auswirkung

atrophied lungs – verkümmerte Lunge

recover – erholen


 copyright Michael Pinsky 

History of the Hot Dog


A visit to New York’s Coney Island is incomplete without eating a hot dog. The grilled sausage served on a sliced bun with spicy mustard and sauerkraut is part of New York’s history and 1.4 million of them are sold daily at hot dog stands and restaurants all over the city.


Like so many of New York’s classics, the hot dog was the invention of European immigrants. Nathan Handwerker from Poland and Karl Feltmann from Hannover both claimed to be the original inventor of the hot dog. Even though Nathan’s Famous is now synonymous with hot dogs, it was actually Feltmann who first served frankfurters on sliced buns in 1869. He came up with the idea when he thought of how he could best sell his sausages from his push wagon to the hungry beachgoers of Coney Island. He called his sausages red hot  and they became an instant hit. In 1871 Karl Feltmann, now Charles Feldman, opened Feltman’s Restaurant and Beer Garden in 1871 which became a mini empire with a hotel, beer gardens, restaurants, food stands, a cinema and amusements.


Nathan Handwerker actually worked at Feltman’s Restaurant before launching his own hot dog empire. His job was to slice the buns and deliver the sausages to the grilling stations. With savings of $300 he and his wife Ida opened their own stand selling the red hots for 5 cents instead of Feltman’s 10 cents. Nathan seasoned the sausages using a secret blend of spices handed down from his wife’s grandmother. Very soon he sold more than 75,000 hot dogs each weekend.

Nathan’s original stand grew and grew, until it took up almost the entire block. But it wasn’t until his son, Murray, took over the business in 1968 that Nathan’s Famous began to extend the brand. Today, there are more than 300 Nathan’s Famous restaurants, and the hot dogs are sold in supermarkets in all 50 states.


But how did the word hot dog come about? There are various stories. Some even claim it came from the suspicion that sausages sold by German immigrant butchers contained actual dog meat!



1. How many hot dogs are sold every day in NY?

2. Who first sold sausages on a bun on Coney Island and in which year?

3. Which country was Nathan Handwerker from?

4. What was the connection between Feltman and Handwerker?

5. How many Nathan’s Famous restaurants are there in the US today?




1. 1.4 million

2. Karl Feltman in 1869

3. Polan

4. Handwerker worked for Feltman

5. more than 300





Nothing says summer to an American more than barbeques, nighttime campfires and s’mores! A s’more consists of one or two roasted marshmallows squished between a pair of graham crackers and a layer of chocolate. While the recipe for the treat was popularized by the American Girl Scouts in their official 1927 publication Tramping and Trailing with the Girl Scouts, nobody really knows how this gooey goodie originated. All that matters is that this sweet and sticky sandwich will literally leave you wanting “some more”!


How to make the perfect s’more:

  • Build a small fire and let the fire burn down to hot coals. (Or light up coals in a charcoal grill and let them burn down.)
  • Push one or two large marshmallows onto the end of a clean long stick or metal skewer with a handle. Metal skewers work best.
  • Roast your marshmallows 1 to 3 inches over a pocket of hot, glowing embers (they should be red and white). Don’t get too close to the heat source or any flames – you don’t want your marshmallows to catch fire!
  • When the undersides of the marshmallows develop a warm brown crust, rotate your stick periodically until all sides are golden brown and the inside is soft and gooey. The marshmallow is done when it is loose and on the verge of falling off the skewer.
  • Gently slide the roasted marshmallows off the skewer onto a graham cracker. Place a piece of a chocolate bar on top of the marshmallow and cover it with another graham cracker.
  • Enjoy and repeat until you no longer want “s’more”!


If you can’t find graham crackers – they are hard to come by in continental Europe, shortbread cookies covered in chocolate on one side are a great substitute. Chocoholics will want to use two of these cookies; however, one plain shortbread cookie and one with chocolate should more than suffice for those without a sweet tooth.


August 10th is National S’mores Day in the United States, so stock up on marshmallows and your preferred s’mores essentials! How many can you eat until you stop saying “s’more”?


squished = gequetscht

graham cracker = eine Art Vollkornbutterkeks, oft mit Hönig gesüßt

layer = Schicht

treat = Leckerei

gooey = klebrig

goodie = Süßigkeit

sticky = klebrig

skewer = Bratspieß

embers = glühende Kohle

loose = locker

on the verge of = kurz vor etwas

to slide = hier: schieben

shortbread cookies = Butterkekse

substitute = Ersatz

chocoholic = der Schokosüchtige

plain = hier: naturbelassen

to have a sweet tooth = ein Schleckermaul sein

to stock up on = sich mit etwas eindecken

essentials = das Notwendige